Contact Us


E-mail us at



Or, ring us on:

      011 44 7954 168897 — from the USA
      07954 168897 — from the UK
      +44 7954 168897 — from other countries

Please note that due to the high number of spam telephone calls, we answer the telephone only to callers on a whitelist - so if you want to call us, please text us your number so we can add it to our whitelist.




Our Tours

A selection of our tours and other services. Click on one of the boxes for more information

Scheduled One-Week Tours

Join one of our scheduled week-long tours which take place in May/June and September each year, including iconic sites such as Montsegur.

Private Tours for Individuals

Customised Tours for 1 person to 5 people: you get to chose how long the tour is, where you visit, and what topics you want to learn about.

Private Group Tours

Customised Tours for groups of 6 or more: you get to chose how long the tour is, where you visit, what topics you want to learn about, and where you stay.

Audio Tours

Audio tours - just download an app onto your cell 'phone and do the tour at your own pace. These self-guided tours use GPS to direct you and trigger appropriate audio tracks.