Tour of Lastours

Tour of the Châteaux-forts (castles) of Lastours - the three surviving Cathar castles, where Cathars lived and troubadours were frequent viitors, and the later French Tour Regine

Tour Options
Tour Access Difficulty Rating
Scheduled Tour Dates
What You'll See
What You'll Learn About
Tour Start Point
Your Tour Leader




Tour Options

  • One-day scheduled tours
  • One day of one-Week scheduled tours
  • One day of Private tours

This tour is usually combined with a visit to Minerve




Difficulty Rating

Moderate walk, rough paths. c45 mins hilly access



Scheduled Tour Dates & Times

Available as scheduled and private tours

Times for the day tour: 9am - 5 pm (including a second location)




What You'll See and Do

The four castles of Lastours from an ajacent hilltop (optional)

The cave giving access to the site

The four castles of Lastours: the three "Cathar Castles", Cabaret, Quertinheux, Surdespine as well as the later Tour Régine.

The original castrum of Lastours (optional); the site of the later post-medieval castrum of Lastours; and the modern village of Lastours




What You'll Learn About

Medieval Castra
The Lords of Cabaret
Lastours and Catharism
Lastours and the Albigensian Crusade
Cathar v Catholic Theology
Sieges of Lastours
Cabaret and Bram - Psychological warfare in the medieval period
Cabaret and Carcassonne
The Lords of Cabaret and Bouchard de Marley




Tour Start Point

Ticket Office,

Lat. N 43.334484
Long. E 2.378561


Viewing platform,
the Belvédère,
11600 Lastours

Lat. N 43.333179
Long. E 2.374602




Tour Leader

The tour is lead by the author and historian James McDonald >>>



Castle of Lastours - Las Tors - "The Towers"



Castle of Lastours - Las Tors - "The Towers"


Castle of Lastours - Las Tors - "The Towers"



Castle of Lastours - Las Tors - "The Towers"


Castle of Lastours - Las Tors - "The Towers"



Castle of Lastours - Las Tors - "The Towers"


Castle of Lastours - Las Tors - "The Towers"



Castle of Lastours - Las Tors - "The Towers"


Castle of Lastours - Las Tors - "The Towers"



Castle of Lastours - Las Tors - "The Towers"


Castle of Lastours - Las Tors - "The Towers"


Castle of Lastours - Las Tors - "The Towers"


Castle of Lastours - Las Tors - "The Towers"


Castle of Lastours - Las Tors - "The Towers"


Castle of Lastours - Las Tors - "The Towers"


Our Tours

A selection of our tours and other services. Click on one of the boxes for more information

Scheduled One-Week Tours

Join one of our scheduled week-long tours which take place in May/June and September each year, including iconic sites such as Montsegur.

Private Tours for Individuals

Customised Tours for 1 person to 5 people: you get to chose how long the tour is, where you visit, and what topics you want to learn about.

Private Group Tours

Customised Tours for groups of 6 or more: you get to chose how long the tour is, where you visit, what topics you want to learn about, and where you stay.

Audio Tours

Audio tours - just download an app onto your cell 'phone and do the tour at your own pace. These self-guided tours use GPS to direct you and trigger appropriate audio tracks.